What is the PCDS exactly?

The Product Circularity Data Sheet decoded

Curious to learn more about the Product Circularity Data Sheet? This video provides additional explanation about the function of the PCDS.


The Circularity Dataset Initiative

The Circularity Dataset Initiative addresses the difficulty for industry and consumers to access reliable data on the circular properties of a product.

Driven by the Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy and supported by major international industry leaders., the initiative developed the “Product Circularity Data Sheet” (PCDS) aiming at establishing an official standard for communicating data on the circular economy properties of products.

For each product, an internationally accepted dataset will describe all relevant circular information in controlled and auditable statements, helping the consumer and manufacturer to make educated choices, increasing the value of the product and enabling future uses in a circular economy.

A significant added value

The Audit system

A third-party verification scheme does increase the level of confidence in the data provided. It protects the manufacturer against unintentional errors in providing the market with data on e.g. product recyclability.

Past Event

Circularity Showcase: The Product Circularity Data Sheet (PCDS)

On December 8, 2020, major actors from the Circularity Dataset Initiative presented the latest development of this innovative tool and their own experience with its deployment on the field. This webinar was held jointly by the Ministry of the Economy of Luxembourg, +Impakt and the Luxembourg Cleantech Cluster by Luxinnovation (LU).


For more information

If you are interested in joining the initiative or if you want to know more about it:


What is PCDS about?

Circularity Dataset Initiative

An effective circular economy that is designed for high-quality continuous material loops requires the circulation of not only resources but also information.

PCDS Standard

The “Product Circularity Data Sheet” (PCDS) is a basic data source for others to establish how circular a product is.

PCDS IT system

The overall idea is to provide reliable data about the circularity aspects of the product.

Audit system

The overall idea is to provide reliable data about the circularity aspects of the product.

Creating a digital circularity fingerprint for products
The Circularity Dataset Standardization

Creating a digital circularity fingerprint for products

Driven by the Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy, the “Circularity Dataset Standardization Initiative” aims at establishing an official standard for communicating data on the circular economy properties of products, in consultation with other standards organizations.

For each product, an international accepted dataset will describe its circular properties and include an auditable international industry standard.

"…This new standard could give a competitive advantage to those companies which incorporate the spirit of circularity…."

Pierre Turpel


"...Documentation is key in a circular building project. The benefit of the PCDS is that we have a commonly accepted reference, where it is easy to attach additional building specific information…"

René Oly

Astron Buildings

"...Regardless of what you want to achieve when it comes to sustainability and circularity within the construction sector, the lack of access to relevant product specific data is very often critical. Therefore, the PCDS initiative is a very welcome step in the right direction...."

Jan Boström

SundaHus i Linköping AB

The standardization of data through the PCDS will strategically enable circularity both in Europe and globally.

Evelyn Ritter


"...The PCDS standard will help us to avoid re-introducing chemicals no longer accepted by REACH or Cradle to Cradle® keeping not only a closed loop but also a “clean” loop. If everyone is implementing this standard, our recycling centers across the globe will be able to access high value materials for recycling, less waste and less use of virgin in the end..."

Rudy Daelmans


Get to know

Our Team

Christian Tock

Christian Tock

Deputy Director General Industry, New Technologies and Research
Ministry of the Economy of Luxembourg
Jérôme Petry

Jérôme Petry

Project Leader Directorate Industry, New Technologies and Research
Ministry of the Economy of Luxembourg
Jeannot Schroeder

Jeannot Schroeder

Managing Director
+ImpaKT Luxembourg S.à.r.l.
Thibaut Wautelet

Thibaut Wautelet

Project Manager
+ImpaKT Luxembourg S.à.r.l.

Your contact point

Jérôme Petry

Deputy Director Sustainable Technologies
Ministry of the Economy of Luxembourg
19-21, boulevard Royal . L-2449 Luxembourg